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33 rue du four banal, 76850, GRIGNEUSEVILLE

Each Friday and Saturday, Sophie and Olivier's shop is open to the public. A great opportunity to meet these passionate owners. They sell their produce in a friendly atmosphere and provide plenty of advice! Their range of pork products now includes over 100 products that evolve throughout the seasons to meet your needs. Raw, cooked, smoked, dry, preserves and ready-made meals can be ordered or chosen directly in their shop.

The history of the Blondel family is definitely related to farming. Lucien Blondel, the eldest son of a family of eight and son of a farmer from the Pays de Caux, set up his farm in the hamlet of Hermesnil, in Grigneuseville, in 1934.

He was a farmer, living on 222 acres of farmland and had a beautiful herd of Norman dairy cows. His animals, thanks to the quality of their meat and milk, attracted customers from far away.

François, one of Lucien's children, quite naturally took over the family farm in 1963. At first, he continued his father's work, but in the 1970s he turned to pig farming.

Since 2001, Sophie and Olivier have, in turn lived off this beautiful job, with love, conviction and simplicity, and they are happy to talk about their produce with you every weekend.

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Opening period

  • From 01 January to 31 December 2022
    Closed : Lundi - Mardi - Mercredi - Jeudi - Dimanche